Monday, May 07, 2007

weekend in s. paulo

I was very, very impressed by this exhibit ...

No wonder the human body is still of one the greatest mysteries. The complexity and detail are amazing. I was particularly impressed by the circulatory system, and the several displays of fetus and diseased lungs (if I'd been a smoker, I would've quit on the spot).
Definitely not for the faint of heart, but I highly recommend a visit. The exhibit just started in Lisbon this weekend too, and if you're lucky you might not have to wait 2 hours in line like I did (an interesting note: the entrance fee in Portugal is almost double the price than here in Brazil ..)

If you're curious, I found a few photos here

I also went to the exhibit next door, about Leonardo da Vinci. I had seen parts of this exhibit before when it showed in Sintra a couple of years back, but I can't remember if it was this big (my friend F. who worked at the exhibit, can probably tell me).

And of course, Sunday in S. Paulo is not complete without a stroll through the fair in the japanese neighbourhood of Liberdade.


Anonymous said...

Em que final de semana você esteve lá? Pois estivemos no de 21/22/23 de abril, aproveitando o feriado no Rio, e fomos nos mesmos lugares: exposição no Ibirapuera (só que a do Da Vinci, pois a fila da exposição do corpo humano dava voltas e voltas de tão grande) e Liberdade. Na verdade, nós ficamos num hotel na LIberdade mesmo.
Ronize Aline

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting!

I may have a chance to vacation in Lisbon this summer, and although I don't speak portuguese, I think the website said it lasted until September? Thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

Oi Tania!
Já visitei essa exposicao dos corpos aqui em Munique alguns anos atras, é realmente impressionante.
Ah, a capa de livro chegou ao Brasil e minha mae está encantada...simplesmente adorou. Parabéns pelo teu extremos bom gosto!
Um bjo!

fantasma said...

No início do post estava a pensar: mas como é que viste a exposição se ela está cá?! Logo a seguir li o resto e percebi que está nos 2 sítios ;oP

taryn: yes, the exposition lasts until de 30 of september :)

Flor said...

Xi a quantidade de tsurus :)
Eu já vi anunciarem essa exposição sobre o corpo humano mas não sei se vou ver. Faz-me um bocado de impressão saber que são reais :(

Marta Figueroa said...

que lindos os tsurus ;)

ruthie said...

Oh I wish i could see that exhibit. will it be up until september?? we're going back to Spain in august and maybe we could drive to lisbon and spend a nice weekend there :-)

Anonymous said...

oh wow, hope to make it there someday soon...i love reading about your extensive travels!