hello, all ... Sushi would like to thank everyone for the comments and get well wishes on the last post. Unfortunately the outlook is looking very poor right now. She was so anemic on Tuesday that she had to get a blood transfusion - thankfully she and Amélie were a match - and seemed to get a bit better after that, but she's still not eating unless we feed her with a syringe, and has developed liquid in her lungs. After discussing it with A. we decided to bring her back home last night. She has been staying at the vet's since Monday and put on IV, but was looking so uncomfortable and stressed that we thought it best if she could come home at least for the night. She did somewhat better last night, ate a bit more and even tried to get up a couple of times, but her breathing is so hard that we're worried she might not make it for much longer. The last alternative is to feed her through nose intubation but we're afraid she might not survive the anesthesia so we decided not to force that on her for now.
A. took her back to the vet this morning to get her medication and run some blood tests, let's see how that goes.
I know that putting her to sleep is something we might have to consider soon, since the last thing we want is for her to suffer in constant pain, but I really can't contemplate that decision right now. Anyway, that was the update. Sorry about the long worrisome post, but I just needed to write it down. No crafts or anything else this week (and if you've been expecting to receive mail from me recently, sorry but I didn't have time to pass by the post office yet), but the photo above is of the quilt top I sew together last weekend for the doll quilt swap.
As melhoras para a Sushi, espero que corra tudo pelo melhor;
O quilt ficou muito bonito.
:( Boas melhoras para a Sushi...
Muitas festinhas para a Sushi e beijnhos para vocês! A+G+J
i am so, so sorry. i had to say goodbye to a wonderful cat of mine nearly 3 years ago. i feel your heartbreak as mine, and i wish you and sushi the best for the time you have left together.
I am so sorry about Sushi. Cats become such a part of our lives and it's so hard to make decisions when you're not sure which is the right one. I'm sure she knows how much you both love her - I'm sending out good wishes to all of you. :)
:( estou aqui na torcida pela Sushi. Espero de verdade que ela melhore.
Beijos, querida Tânia, sei bem o que sentes porque o gato que me adoptou teve também uma anemia muito grave. Que tudo se resolva pelo melhor.
Tenho tanta pena. Acho que vcs fizeram muito bem de a levar para casa, calma e família pode ser mais importante para ela agora que cuidado médico extra. E se vcs tiverem que fazer alguma decisão, na altura certa hão-de saber. E a Sushi não teve sorte com este virus mas tem muita sorte de vos ter a vocês.
Muitos beijinhos para a Sushi e para vocês...
Não posso dizer mais do que as restantes pessoas já escreveram, desejo o melhor para a Sushi e muita força para vocês.
É bom saber que a têm em casa com vocês, ao menos está em família!
Os gatos sentem imenso essa diferença :)!
um abraço para vocês e as melhoras para a Sushi!!!
Sabes que podes sempre contar comigo para qualquer coisa!
so very sorry to hear that things aren't getting better yet. it's always so hard to know what to do for our beloved animals...
please keep us posted.
Poor Sushi :( I'm really sorry to hear it's not looking good for her - I had a cat that was eventually put down at the ripe old age of 23, but it was the best thing to do *hugs* x
I'm saying a prayer & sending lots of love to Sushi from Vancouver Canada! My husband and I don't have kids so our cats are our world. I know how you're feeling right now. Hang in there!!
Sushi, põe-te boa depressa!
Sorry to hear about your kitty. I hope she gets better. Good luck to you and Sushi.
Só posso desejar as melhoras para Sushi e muita, muita força...
Hi Tania
I'm really very sorry to hear about little Sushi, that must be really hard
Seja qual for a decisão que vocês tomem, não a deixem só. Tive a infelicidade de não estar junto da minha cadela quando chegou a hora dela e isso é coisa que ainda hoje me persegue. Estava internada e não tinha a família ao lado. Espero sinceramente que a Sushi recupere.
Sushi has been really lucky to have you as an owner... big hugs from Pennsylvania, USA
um beijinho muito grande, espero que ela melhore bem rápido
oh, tania. i'm so sorry. sending you peace and a big hug.
take care.
Festinhas para a Sushi. Espero que ela fique melhor.
get well soon, Sushi!
As melhoras.
I'm so, so sorry about Sushi. xxx
Consigo imaginar a tua dor neste momento, tenho e sempre tive gatinhos (gatinhas neste caso) e considero-as parte da minha família, amo-as incondicionalmente. A minha mais velha já está suficientemente crescida para pensar o que vai acontecer daqui a uns anos e isso assusta-me.
Perdoa a minha sinceridade mas chorei ao ler este post... Ainda estou para aqui a limpar os olhos e a assoar-me que nem uma maria chorona.
Desejo tudo de bom a essa menina que adora os cobertores aquadradados. Daqui vai muito carinho! Os miaus merecem, a nossa vida não seria a mesma sem eles...
hi! I'm a recent reader of your blog who loves your craft work and adores cats. just wanted to say I'm sorry for your sushi. hope she gets better soon!
Get well soon Sushi!
As melhoras para a Sushi!
Alguma novidade da Sushi?
So sorry to hear about Sushi. I'm sending all my positive thoughts over to you.Laurence
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