I know I'm a bit late with this - summer clothes sewing, that is - but now that I've started it's impossible to stop. So I started with this summer top pattern (from this book) and it's so easy it only took me about one hour to make it. Cute, right ? I now have a pile of fabrics I want to make this top with, so watch this space for some more of these soon.
And Mariko made the dress version recently. It looks so cute that I think I want one of those too.
Finally, I received new japanese crafts books yesterday so I'll try and post some photos tomorrow. They're wonderful, as usual.
Adorei! Também estou a ficar fã de livros Japoneses de costura; tenho o Pattern Magic e o Favorite Black Clothes e estou a pensar comprar mais alguns. Além disso estou a gostar muito da revista Mrs Stylebook, a qual recebi há umas semanas.
Olá! queria agradecer a minha capa para livros que chegou e eu adorei. Parabéns pelo trabalho tão delicado e perfeito :)
Está lindo o top! quero aulas sff :) O meu livro novo parece cheio de coisas interessantes mas esse teu acho que é perfeito.
Ficou lindo, ando á uns tempos a namorar dois livros de costura japoneses de roupa de criança, só tenho uma dúvida:
os moldes estão escalados??
That is so pretty -- your fabric/detail choices always elevate your already beautiful work to another level :-)
That is such a pretty top! I do want to ask...did you make the hanger? It is really cute.
Lovely work, as always.
I'm de-lurking to ask if you could recommend any fabric or yarn stores in Lisbon; my mother will be visiting soon, and I'm hoping she will bring me a souvenir...
brennahogan at yahoo dot com
Such a cute top!! I love your blog and read regularly. I just purchased some Japanese craft books, 3!!, from AmazonJapan and I have no idea REALLY how much went on my charge card. (I used a yen to dollar converter) I think I spent around 53 dollars for 3 books!! You can't beat that with sticks!! Anyway, I am excited to have my own inspiration from Japan. Whats up with the US. We seem a bit lame in the crafty book materials??
That is so cute! I love your blog. I just yesterday made my first purchase for some Japanese craft books that I have been coveting. I have no idea what I spent, (I used on online yen to dollar calculater to figure it out and still hope I did not spend 200.oo for 3 books! Actually the total came to 58.00 including shipping. Come on, you can't beat that with a stick!)Anyway, I get much inspiration from your blog and am a regular reader! I guess my first attempt went through but I did not want to be anonymous, sometimes I hate pc's!
os livros japoneses de costura trazem coisas lindissimas! mas pergunto-me se comprasse um livro se iria entender os moldes.
mas de qualquer maneira adorei este top. era algo que vestia certamente!
Adorei o blog!!
visita o blog com as minhas criações : http://joanamodinhas.blogspot.com/
Bom trabalho!
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