Monday, July 17, 2006

never let me go

I haven't made a book post in a long, long time, but I thought that this one deserved to be mentioned. X. had already recommended it (and happy b-day once more :), but I was bit hesitant because I had read this other book by the same author and can't say I enjoyed it that much. But when I found a copy available at the airport I thought I'd give it a try ... like C., I've been having a really weak year bookwise. Besides this very good fantasy trilogy recommended by T. and Case Histories (by Kate Atkinson), I can't say that I truly enjoyed any other books this year so far. So it was totally unexpected that this would grip me so much. And that final twist, I could clearly see it coming but still it was somewhat of a knockout. So if you have the chance to read it, please do .. it's good, I promise.

And while I'm on the subject of books, did I lend you by any chance my copy of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell ? If I did, please let me know. I've looked for it *everywhere* in the house ...I promised the girls I'd join the read-along but without finding my copy it's going to be difficult (and something tells me that if I don't read it now with so much encouragement I'll never finish it)


Flor said...

Ó faxavor! :-) Eu até gostava de ler o Never let me go e o Case Histories. É que, sabes, não tenho nada para ler em casa ;-)
Estive a ler as reviews dos dois e fiquei muito curiosa. E pronto, como também recomendas.
E alguém é capaz de emprestar uma cópia do Jonathan Strange aqui à T.? Agradecida :-)
Eu estou a gostar do livro e a Sandra também :) Agora já não desito :)

Anonymous said...

i loved never let me go. it was very gripping! great way to characterize it. and it was so surprising, too. really enjoyed case histories as well. but that strnage/norrel book? well, we've never met, so it's not your copy i didn't read. it's in the floorboard of my car waiting to be returned to the library. just couldn't get into it at all.

.. said...

X made me buy Never Let me Go as well - you both are making me curious, am *gloats* swamped in books I really want to read but am moving Never let me go to prime TBR position.

And I read X´s Strange and Norrell ( 1st edition! signed! thanks X) so it´s not here, though I do have a couple of your books waiting to be read.

fantasma said...

Estes são daqueles livros que por mais que me falem bem deles, acho que nunca os pedincharei a ninguém ;o)

Anonymous said...

I loved Never Let Me Go! At first I was hesitant to ready it, but it was an amazing story. I liked Case Histories as well.

I haven't read much fantasy fiction, but I may have to give that series a try.

Glad you liked the swap!

Anonymous said...

Ja leste:

Eu gostei muito!

Alex (The Sleepless Reader) said...

Sorry for the late reply! It's good isn't it, the way it just ... flows. I'm glad you also liked it. I'm always afraid to give a recommendation!