Wow, can't believe this is my 500th post already. Little did I know what was ahead of me when I started this blog over two years ago. How much it would change my life, how much it would change my crafting, how much it would inspire me, and especially how much it would allow me to meet such wonderful people (you guys !)
I know I'm not the most faithful of bloggers. Sometimes a week goes by when I don't have anything to talk about or show here, and yet you're still here. I appreciate that, as I appreciate each and every comment that you leave and every e-mail you send my way, so thank you all for that.
I'm celebrating this with a couple of announcements. First, I'm finally having that shop update with the rest of the items I promised last week, mainly summer bags and softies. Second, I'm finally making the transition to etsy. I first opened an etsy account way back when I started selling my crafts, but I never really invested much time on it. I figured now was the time to do it. It makes things easier for me to manage, and the community there has grown so big and so inspiring that I can't help but enjoy all the good company. So please feel free to visit my new shop anytime. The old shop will still be active for a while, since I'm keeping the rest of the trims and fabrics there.
And because it's my 500th post after all, I'm having a give away too. Not bookcovers this time, but maybe you'd like a new softie ? Actually, if you're the winner I'll let you choose, so just leave a comment here saying if you'd like a sad bear or kitty softie (like the ones above) or a new design (which I'm yet to make, so it will be a surprise) and if you feel like it, just share something about yourself (like where you're from, or what's your favorite book, movie or song, or where you're going on vacation, just about anything really. I'd just like to know a little more about you guys), and I'll draw a name sometime next week.
Sou a Bruna, sou dos Açores, amis propriamente da ilha Terceira (o paraíso!!!). Adoro as tuas coisinhas, são lindas!
Respondendo à tua pergunta, adoro as tuas "kitties", são lindas!!!
Parabéns pelo teu 500º post!
olá sou o duarte ( mas como sou muito pequenino e ainda nao domino estas tecnologias pedi à minha mãe para escrever aqui)
Gosto muito dos teus bonecos , principalmente dos gatos... mas os ursos tambem são fixes !
Fiz 1 ano no dia 25 e por isso ainda não tenho muitas coisas para contar... gosto de rir, fazer os outros rir, estou a começar a andar e já tenho 4 dentes... em conclusão sou um reguila!!
Adoro comer e como nao sei gatinhar ando de cu!
Oa meus pais tem 1 cadela ( que gosto muito de brincar e me dá muitas lambidelas) e 2 gatas que não me ligam nenhuma...
Enfim, acho que é tudo...
( é verdade a minha mãe manda beijinhos) e eu tambem...
duarte :)
Hi, congratulations on your 500 postings milestone!
I'm from Norway, and I have been reading your blog for some time. I don't remember how I got here.
I once went to Lisboa/Estoril on vacation, and I'm definitely going back some day. So much left to see!
I'm a knitter and crafter, but I don't have very much time for crafting as I work almost full time and have two small kids. That's me!
Greetings from Canada, and congrats on reaching your 500th post! I've been following your blog since I bought The Crafter's Companion. Your bookcovers and softies are so adorable!
I love crafting and crochet, and I love cats, so if I win your contest I would love love love a kitty softie :)
Another canadian fan!
Well. I'm pretty new to both sewing and blogging, a huge fan of your work and blog, the mom of a very active little girl, and expecting my second child (a boy!)by the end of august... I'm always ready for a good surprise, so I would love to win this new design of yours!
Happy anniversary and keep up the wonderful work!
Hi!! Congratulations!! I have been reading your blog for a year now - and I love it - so much inspiration.
Looking forvard to the next 500 posts!!
Kind regards Linda
(by the way - I love surprices ;-))
Olá e Parabéns!
Chamo-me Patrícia e sou do Entroncamento.
Adoro os teus bonecos (especialmente as ursinhas), as tuas malas, as capas de livros... tudo!
Também gosto muito de ler (tal como tu), embora não tenha tido muito tempo. E o último livro que li foi "Uma casa na Irlanda" de Maeve Binchy. Pessoalmente, achei muito bom :)
Este ano não vou de férias, que o orçamento não permite... Mas sou capaz de dar umas escapadelas pequeninas aos Olhos d'Água, uma praia fluvial perto de Alcanena :)
E pronto, é só!
Beijinhos e continua por aqui a mostrar as coisas lindas que fazes.
Oh, no, an Etsy shop. I better hold onto my wallet!
congratulations all around - your 500th posting, the beginnings of your etsy shop, etc. i very much enjoy your blog and looking at the lovely crafts that you create. thank you so much for keeping it going, and for offering us a chance at a wonderful item you've made.
i've just started my blog a few months ago and it has been a lot of fun hearing back from other crafters, being able to share what i've made, and 'showing off' my good kitty mr. biddles.
if we win your contest, we would love a kitty softy. thank you!
Congratulations on your 500th post! Such a milestone for any blogger. I love seeing all the items you make - you are truly an inspiration.
I can't even remember where I saw your blog, I know I've been visiting it for about 6 months. Love the fabric combinations you use.
I'm from Los Angeles, originally a knitter but now I'm sewing up a storm. I just came back from a trip from Japan and was so blown away by all of the handmade items that I saw. I documented the trip very thoroughly on my blog if you have a spare moment or two.
I love cats, but I am so taken by your sad bears! I would love to own one.
Here's hoping you have great success with your etsy store and a further 500? 1000? 10000? posts!
Hello (Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE those cats? Seriously they are SEW cute! Just Purrrfect!)
I live in Maryland, my next vacation my be a wedding in Israel of a cruise in the Caribbean - both in the winter... We are still up in the air about the wedding...
Muitos parabéns amiga!
Quem diria que irias ter tanto sucesso. :)
E venham mais 500 :)
congrats on 500 posts!! That is quite an accomplishment.
I'm so happy to see that you've joined etsy to sell your beautiful softies and bags and covers ect... I've already added you to my favorites!! AND you've already had a sale... that is so wonderful.
I'm from Minnesota usa. A lot of people think we live in freezing cold and snow all year round up here in northern usa, but really it's not like that at all. Right now I'm enjoying the hot hot summer and can hardly stand the heat of my iron as I sew!
I love to visit your blog for the inspiring photos! It always gets my creative juices flowing.
Jenna Lou
Congratulations on 500 posts!
I found your blog through another one (of course I can't remember which!) and love everything I've seen so far! You're such an inspiration!
Let see...I live in Colorado, and I'm a full time mom to a 15 month old boy. I also babysit, clean an office, and craft in my free time. I don't have any fun vacations planned for the near future, but I'm going to get married and go on a honeymoon to an undetermined place next summer. I also have my 10 years of being best friends anniversary coming up in a couple years, and my friend and I want to go on a fun trip to celebrate!
Thank you so much for sharing all the beautiful things you create! If I was lucky enough to win, I think we'd love a kitty. We have two kitty fur children that my son loves, and I'm sure he'd love the heck out of a stuffed cat!
Congrats on the post, and I have already been to your Etsy shop- congrats on that too. I am sure it will be wildly successful! I am a kitty person, myself...
Congratulations on the 500 post!! And welcome to Etsy! I already added you as a favorite so that I can see all your shop updates.
Now about me, I will be going to Hawaii at the end of July for the first time. I am sooooo excited! If I win, I would love a kittie softie.
Congratulations, Tania! 500 posts?! So impressive. Your etsy shop is looking good. Such nice bags. I will wait for a winter bag a little later :o)
I think I forgot to thank you for the help with "tec-tec!" I decided to send her yarn, since I think that other supply might be available only in Portugal.
I would be very interested in your new design for the giveaway. I am very impatient, but I still love suprises!
Congrats on your 500th post. I just love your book covers and your softies are so cute too. I also love reading about all your Portugal adventures. I am moving to Spain in 6 months and can't wait to visit Portugal, I've heard so may wonderful things. I would love a book cover or one of your new special design. Thanks for hosting a giveaway!
Hello there:
Congratulations on your 500th post! I've been a lurker here for awhile. OK, let me see: I'm 38 and I collect gorgeous fabrics, but do not know how to use my sewing machine! I plan to take a class and learn some basics by Christmas. I'm an old hat blog reader, but a new blogger and love feeling connected, I grew up living aboard a sailboat and last, but not least I'm partial to kitties! Good luck with Etsy! The bags are gorgeous.
Congrats on #500, and on your lovely new shop! Let's see, something about me.... I'm currently reading the "Kalahari Typing School for Men", I started learning violin at the ripe old age of 40, and I don't listen to music much except CDs for my violin class (and whatever children's music my son is into). If you pick me, I'd be happy with any of your choices, but the "surprise" intrigues me!
hi tania! congrats on your 500th post! wow!! and it's terrific that you're now at etsy too! i wish you major success! i just pop in there, and everythings just gorgeous! and 2 sales already =)that's just great!
i still love the bag i got from you sometime just goes with everything!
i've never won anything in my if i do..i would love to be surprised with your new design :) thanks & GOOD LUCK!
Your blog is always so inspiring! So glad you are here! And congratulations on the new shop...everything is so lovely!
Hi Tania and all the rest of you guys!
congrats on 500 posts!! WOW!
I'm from Coimbra, Portugal and I'm a professional translator. I'm Paula's sister (but that you already know) and I love all your work. I started with the book covers passed on to bags and softies... who knows when? I'm a proud mother of a 7 1/2 months boy who has reduced a great deal my crafting time.... :-)
What's with the Canadians who love your work? Add me to the list. I'm displaced right now as we're living in our wee Airstream trailer as we build a new house on our property - that means little to no crafting when you only have 22 feet of space. As we recently lost one of our cats (we had 4) to a coyote, winning your contest for one of your softies would be great. My 2.5 year old every once and a while says to me "Mommy, one of our cats is missing right?". So sad and sweet at the same time.
Hi from Germany!
I've been lurking for awhile now, ever since I found your blog(I think I found it through the Crafter's Companion book). Love your fabric choices and wish I could find the time to sew more, but knitting is just more transportable.
[duh, hit the post button instead of preview]
I've always wanted to visit Portugal and someday I will, but as a student I unfortunately lack the money at the moment for travels.
I love surprises ;-)
Parabéns pelo 500!
Acho que comentei poucas vezes aqui, mas o teu, é um blog que gosto de ler sempre!
Já me deste tantas dicas que acho que nem imaginas ...
Dos teus "crafts" acho que já sabes o que penso ... são de uma perfeição que me deixam KO :D
E que venham, não mais 5 como na música do Zeca Afonso, mas pelo menos mais 500!
wow - 500!! that's pretty remarkable. imagine all the time you've spent dreaming + composing journal entries. and yes, i agree with everything you've said about the impact that the blogging community has on the creative process. you've definitely contributed.
well, i'm cristina + I read your blog from my front room in san francisco where love to drink tea and listen to feist + portishead.
congratualtions on your 500th post!
Descobri este espaço quase só nos 500, mas não deixo de o visitar todos os dias.
Sou de Gaia, tenho 3 filhos e para além do meu emprego adoro crafts, em todas as áreas e de todas as culturas. Acho mesmo que sou uma curiosa por todos os trabalhos manuais e como diz uma amiga, penso com as mãos.
Adoro ler e por isso espero ansiosamente a minha capa de livros...
O meu dia a dia, os meus gostos e as minhas aventuras, partilho todos os dias com quem me visita.
Parabéns pelos 500, ficamos à espera de outros tantos.
woohoo! 500 posts is fantastic
:-) I am sarah from the UK and I live by the seaside. I love to sew and make things from felt and fabric. I am addicted to blogs. I am a swift decision maker and have already decided I would like one of your new items so I get a surprise. And now you have an etsy shop I can buy one if I don't win :-) xxx sarah xxx
I live in Georgia, USA. I love reading your blog! And...I love cats! I adore how you use the cat fabrics and felt appliques on your book covers, and the softies.....soooo cute! So, now you know what I would like it I win. I also like to knit, crochet and sew.
Tania, Parabéns pelo 500º post! Muita escrita, muitas fotos, muitos novos e bons amigos. Espero que tudo continue a correr bem e que o etsy seja um sucesso.
Estou curiosa para conhecer o novo membro da família softie!
Beijinhos* Suzanne (Algarve)
Congratulations on your big 5-0-0!!! Very exciting. I've been enjoying your blog for a while now & am loving the inspiration I'm getting from you! I love the book covers & the adorable softies. Good work. I can't wait to see more!!!
O meu nome é Eurico moro no Algarve e tenho 14 anos.
Os meus livros favoritos são:
-Codigo da Vinci
-Diario de Anne Frank
-Harry Potter
-Diabo veste prada
Musica favorita:
-All Star
-Suddenly I see..
Filme Preferido:
-O diabo veste prada
-Diario de Anne Frank
-Harry Potter
Sei que talvez seja estar me a aproveitar da situação,mas nao vou mentir só conheci este blog hoje...
Entretanto decidi "concorrer",para mim (se eu ganhar) pode ser aquele novo sobre o qual ainda esta a trabalhar...ok?
Chamo-me Patrícia, sou lisboeta, professora e sou fã das tuas capas para livros, já tenho algumas :) Adoro!
Parabéns pelo 500º post, que venham muitos mais e pela loja na etsy.
Quanto aos teus bonecos são todos maravilhosos, vê-se que são feitos com muito carinho. Adoro os teus ursos ;)
Continua com este trabalho lindo.Tens umas mãos da fada :)
Beijinhos grandes
Congratulations on post 500!
I'm from the UK, love crafting, have a 3 month old Yorkie terrier and am off to Turkey on holiday soon!
If by the remotest chance I win, I'd love a kitty softie!
Whether you've posted only sporadically, everyday, or some combination of the two, 500 posts is an accomplishment. Congratulations.
I'm from the U.S. and I've been reading your blog for about a year now. I *think* I found you through your Flickr stream, but I don't recall exactly. More than anything, it's your aesthetic that I love. Simple and clean but also colorful and with a sense of whimsy. It's both compelling and inspirational. It's what drew me in and it's what keeps me coming back.
500 posts são realmente motivo para celebrar :) Ainda por cima sendo 500 posts com tanta criatividade, empenho, carinho pelo que fazes e por nós que seguimos deste lado!
Muitos parabéns e viva a longevidade do teu talento para criar e entreter..
Por aqui:
escapadelas/férias: Holanda, Gêres
livros: "O Último Samurai" e a bíblia da cozinha italiana "Silver Spoon"
música: Run by Snow Patrol
perdição: ervas aromáticas e especiarias
Muitos parabéns e que venham mais 500 tão sinceros quantos estes *
P.S.- AMO! as tuas capas para livros
Hello Tania:
I always read your blog, I think you are a big artist! I'd love one of your kitties... My name is Eva and I live in the north of Spain, in San Sebastian. I like making softies too.
Congratulations on your 500th! I love your work and your blog.
Write and craft on, Tania! Your work is always so inspiring.
Big congratulations! How do you do it? Having a full-time job, crafting work on the side and time to read all of those books. I've been reading your blog for about a year now, mostly lurking. I love your softies and wouldn't mind a little kitty if I'm lucky.
Hey Congrats on post 500 - love your blog. My name's Sally and I'm from Queensland, Australia and I'm a part-time crafter with a poor neglected blog. I may never make it to 100, let alone 500! I'm currently reading Possession by A.S. Byatt and it's hard work but I'm determined to finish.
I love your sad bears - but I'm intrigued by the surprise - what could it be??
Congrats on your 500th post. Your softies are so adorable, and I really like the kitty. Do you think it would like a trip to Melbourne, Australia, to come live with my family. You always create such beautiful things, and I enjoy reading your blog too.
Parabéns pelo 500 post; gosto muito das tuas Kitties,de todo o teu trabalho, é uma inspiração...
Venho todos os dias espreitar o teu blog.
Olá Tania
É sempre um prazer enorme passar pelo teu blog ou pela teu flickr todas as manhãs e ver as tuas coisas que pelo que vamos vendo fazes com tanto carinho. Adoro tudo mas gosto especialmente das tuas capas de livro são lindas!
Parabéns pelo teu 500º post, e venham outros 500s.
um beijo e mais uma vez parabens pelo blog e pelas tuas criações
Muitos parabéns e muitas repetições.
Embora não tenha por hábito comentar, visito diaramente o teu blog.
Um beijinho meu e outro do Pico.
Mais sobre mim em
Parabéns pelo 500º post.
Gosto muito de visitar o blog e já o faço à algum tempo, mas nunca tinha comentado.
Gosto muito do seu trabalho, demonstra muita criatividade e muita paciência!!!
Tenho uma filha linda de um aninho, que é a minha vida, a minha felicidade, a quem gostava de oferecer uma ratinha "Filomena", que é uma ratinha linda, delicada e com ar de curiosa, tal como a minha filhota....Pode ser que tenha sorte com o concurso e seja desta, ela ia adorar, tenho a certeza!!!
Mónica Gonçalves
Obrigada por estes 500 posts!
O seu blog tem o nome de um dos meus livros de infancia preferidos, na obra de Alice Vieira Chocolate à Chuva é um momento unico, inesquecivel de cumplicidade no qual tudo se dá e tudo se recebe... no seu blog esse Chocolate à Chuva é redescoberto, revivido, sentido em cada um dos seus posts, dos seus softies, das suas malas, das suas bookcovers...
Mais uma vez, obrigada e Parabens
Ana Almeida
PS: Estou ansiosa por ver as suas novas criaçoes
olá tânia! esta é a 1ª vez que comento o teu blog... ok, chama-me interesseira ;-) gosto de ver tudo o que fazes. adoro as tuas criações. bem como o arrojo da rosa pomar. bem como a inocência e a pureza das criaçoes da soule mama. eu sou o salieri e vocês são os meus mozarts. reconheço o vosso génio e eu, por mais que tente, por mais que me esforce e siga as instrucções, não hei-de nunca ser capaz de fazer o que vocês fazem. adiante... parabéns pelo 500º post, continua o teu trabalho pois és uma crafty inspiration all around the world.
Congrats on the 500th post and the etsy shop. Thanks for being such an inspiration.
Oi Tania,
Parabens pelos 500 lindos posts. Adoro seu blog e visito-o regularmente, suas criancoes sao uma inspiracao para mim. Desejo que voce continue criando lindas coisas por muitos e muitos mais posts.
Sou brasileira de Sao Paulo, casada com um alemao e moro no Tennessee e adoraria receber qualquer que fosse o bichinho.
Abracos desde os Montes Apalaches.
Wow! I have just recently found your blog and have found it truly inspiring with all the lovely things you create! 500 posts is a huge milestone! Congrats! What a fun and very nice contest you are offering as well! All of your items are so adorable I would be happy with any little creation! I am a librarian so it is very hard to choose a favorite book... I have a running list of my favorites! The last great book I read was "Master Buthchers' Sining Club" by Louise Eldrid. Best of luck with your new shop!!
Congratulations for such a big achievement! I enjoy reading your blog and especially getting inspired by your creations! I love those kitties and I think you are very professional making bags! they look incredible! I will got to Spain for a month for vacation, I miss the iberian peninsula! and the iberian food :) Beijos!!
Olá Tania, o meu nome é Ana Barreto, sou de Almada mas por razoes profissionais estou a viver na Póvoa de Varzim, perto do mar.
A minha grande paixão é o Yôga, que pratico a alguns anos. É uma filosofia de vida com a qual me identifico.
Este fim de semana tenho a FestYôga, um dos maiores eventos de Yoga em Portugal, vem gente de todo Portugal, do brasil, de espanha, etc e eu vou usar pela 1ª vez uma das malas da tua autoria, vai ser um sucesso de certeza ;).
Também gosto muito de fazer Origami, ando a experimentar Kusudama, mas ainda preciso de praticar muito.
És muito talentosa parabéns. Beijinhos
I really enjoy your blog! I've been lurking for a long time but thought I should reveal myself now. I would love a kitty! I'm fairly new to craft blogging (I have one but it only has a couple of posts). I do have a more interesting jewelry blog you could peruse. Thanks for the crafty inspiration!!
Greetings from the UK, and congratulations on your 500th post and the beginnings of your new etsy shop! I really enjoy your blog, even though I have rarely commented, so I thought I'd also use this opportunity to thank you for sharing your crafts endeavours with us - your posts, your crafts, and the beautiful pictures you take are truly inspiring.
And something about me - I am a Korean-German mom, living with her British husband and son in the UK. ;-)
Felicidades!, I'm from Chile and a mom of 3 adorable boys.
I'm impressed with all the beatiful things you do. You're so creative and everything is so well finished, specially the bags and the book covers.
Un beso grande,
Congratulations on your 500th post. I really enjoy your blog, the visuals are very delightful and inspiring. I live in Michigan, USA so particularity enjoy all the sunny day photos! My favorite song is "You are My Sunshine".
The sad bears have it over the kitty's for me.
Hi, I'm Sarah, from New Hampshire in the United States. I found your blog via the Crafter's Companion and have enjoyed following your crafty adventures for the last few months!
If I were the winner, I think that I would go with a new design, just because I like surprises. Congrats on passing this blogging milestone!
Hi Tania - Congratulations on your 500th posting! Just love reading your blog - very inspiring. I'm from Denver, Colorado and we've done a couple of swaps last year. I've been reading your blog for over a year now. I really like your bookcovers and color combinations on them.
As for a vacation, we're going to Richmond, Virginia this summer to visit family.
All your softies are just wonderful and I have a soft heart for the kitties. Thanks so much for a chance to win one of your softies and here's to another 500+!
Greetings from Texas and congratulations on your 500th post!
I'm a knitter, photographer, a wife, a mother, a sister and a daughter among other things and not necessarily in that order. :) I love to learn new things about people, the world, crafts, life, etc.
If I am chosen, you can surprise me with something of your choosing. Thanks for such a nice offer and your blog. I enjoy it!
Hi, I'm new to your blog, I'm Italian but live in England, and really admire what you make and how you make it!!
congratulations on the big 500... and here's to many many more... cheers!!
parabéns pelo teu 500º post!!
continua a fazer lindos trabalhos para nos maravilhares!!
respondendo agora ao teu desafio:
prefiro uma "kitty", e gosto do design actual delas.
Um pouco sobre mim...
Sou fruto da imaginação e da imaginação vivo, trabalho e crio.
Sou apaixonada por papel porque, para mim, é um material mágico que não se deixa moldar por todos e que, por isso, me desafia a experimentá-lo, a tentar novas realizações com ele...
Vivo numa pequena localidade chamada Santiago da Guarda que me deslumbra pelo seu encanto rural, pela sua frescura, pelo som dos pássaros logo de manhã, pela natureza que nunca dorme, pelo zéfiro que bate na minha cara...
Gosto de ler, e devoro os livros de Nicholas Sparks... são histórias que andam por aí soltas à espera que alguém as agarre, que as conte... são sementes que precisam de ser colhidas e semeadas... porque ler é isto: um mecanismo fantástico... toca-se com os ohos numa linha e aparece-nos o que não suspeitávamos que lá estivesse. Por cada página que se lê tem-se direito á página seguinte... é como um presente!
Ouço música porque em cada letra e em cada som encontro uma nostalgia diferente, uma vontade de viver contrária a todas as outras... "aquarela" de Toquinho é a música que mais me tem tocado nos últimos tempos... infantil? talvez, mas para mim descreve todo o mundo que é a Arte... que nos leva a transformarmo-nos, a idealizarmos algo e em criá-lo...
Talvez esteja a estender-me... talvez esteja a descrever demasiado o meu mundo...
Monótono? De forma alguma!
Encantado? Quem sabe... eu adoro este meu mundo, este meu conto de fadas, esta pequena rosa que mesmo com os pequenos espinhos da vida continua a cheirar bem...
olá sou a Catarina , vivo no Porto e gosto de vir à net.
para quando os resultados de quem ganhou?
you've just made it easier for me to shop at etsy! congratulations on your 500th! hmmmm....anything about myself? let's see...i call hawaii my home and i love to knit (socks), read, and continue to learn - i want to hone up on my sewing skills and i would love to be surprised with any of your softies! warmest aloha!
Olá sou a xana e gostava de levar um sad bear para a Quinta do Barriero, onde pretendo passar nas férias. Por certo de regresso ao Porto estariamos os dois com um sorriso de orelha a orellha...
Parabéns pelo 500º post e pelos 499 posts que anteriores !!
Olá Tânia,parabéns pelos 500 por este andar brevemente chegarás aos 5000:)
Adoro tudo o que envolva trapos, linhas,lãs e agulhas.
Desde que conheço o teu blog que é impossível vir ao pc sem que o visite, felicidades tb para a tua loja.
Congratulations on your 500th post!
I have been reading your blog for about a year now, and every time I enjoy your projects greatly.
Something about me? I am Greek, but currently live in New York, after several years in Edinburgh and Belgium. I am a historian and an archivist, I like making things, and occasionally blog about them and/or my 3 cats.
Thanks for making the blogworld beautiful with your projects!
adoro os teus bonecos, e as capas para os livros... são geniais!!
Oi, que gatos fôfos! Bem, na verdade gostei de tudo! Parabéns pelos "500" e votos de muitos mais e com a mesma qualidade de sempre!
Congrats on 500 posts. I love kitty softie, I have 3 cats of my own and my daughter has two. I can't imagine life without cats.
Hey! I'm from Mexico, all the way on the other side of the ocean! I love your designs and would very probably follow your clean aesthetic if I ever embarked on sewing. I am a knitter at the moment. I don't have a faviorite anything really, because there is so much stuff I love I never could narrow it down to one, not to mention that when you state a faviorite people expect you to keep it for ever, and I just change to much for that. I do love songs by Mae and the Postal Service right now.
If I win, I would love the surprise!
Wow 500th post, fantastic, I love your blog, the softies that you make are so cute,I'm erika from holland and are also in the trade, making softies, bags etc.. and sellingthem,I think your materials and colour combo's are great, keep on posting!!
I have been a long time fan of your blog and I look forward to seeing your creative work. Thank you for sharing so much with your readers.
Greetings from Australia!
Bom, sou a Joana. Vivo em Lisboa, tenho 2 filhos e sou bióloga/bolseira. Já não leio assiduamente desde que o meu filho mais velho nasceu mas sempre que entro numa destas fazes não leio um Eça de Queiroz (um qq) e retomo imediatamente a energia para pegar num livro. Música... não tenho uma preferida, mas adoro o Tom Waits. E os meus sítios preferidos ficam todos no Alentejo (assim como los sabores preferidos). O Alentejo comove-me, principalmente na Primavera.
E pronto, se for sorteada, gostava muito, mesmo muito de ter uma capa para os livros. Porque são lindas. Mas confesso que qd ando de transportes públicos me entretenho mto a ler as capas dos livros dos outros e a imaginar vidas fantasiadas para quem os lê, dependendo do livro que é. às vezes geram-se cumplicidades, começam-se amizades assim. Mas, pronto, são tão lindas, e protegem sempre que o livro anda na mala, é verdade!
Hi my names Sarah, i'm from the U.K and i love your blog, i enjoy knitting just learnt crochet, card making scrapbooking sewing, every craft going, I love your cats softies.
Sarah x
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