Remember I once said I didn't have a good solution for storing my circular knitting needles ? Well, a few weeks ago my needle bag (a small necessaire where I would throw in all my circulars and other assorted needles) was such a tangled mess I couldn't find anything inside. And when I did, it was hell to untangle the needles I wanted. So I decided something had to be done. I went online and researched several needlecase designs, and I really liked this one by the wonderful people at purlbee, but unfortunately I couldn't find a suitable binder (although I'm still looking for one, and will eventually make that). So I opted for making a larger pocket version of the normal needlecase, and it actually doesn't work so bad. I can store all my circulars inside it (and I own quite a few) and quickly find the one I'm looking for, which was what I needed. And now I'm off to enjoy the weekend, which promises to be a sunny one for a change !
Ficou lindo!!
Bom fim de semana.
está lindo, sim - e é mesmo de uma coisa destas que eu preciso!
I actually like yours better than the purlbee one. :) They are both very nice. What I like about yours is it's not a hard case and easily transportable. The purlbee one I would have to leave at home, make sure it was upright at all times and also out of reach form my 2 year old. Otherwise there would be circulars coming out all over the place. Have a great weekend!
Ficou lindo, claro!
Eu também gosto mais da tua que da do PurlBee. Qualquer dia, faço o mesmo, mas por enquanto ainda não tenho agulhas circulares suficientes. :)
Beijinhos e bom fds!
Já sabes que vou querer um destes :)
Além do outro já encomendado ;)
A gatinha está lindíssima! Que bonita e fofinha!
Para quando novas malas!?
Bom trabalho :)
Tudo o que encontramos aqui é lindo!
So beautifully made and what a gorgeous fabric combination....
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