I was going to post a photo of my multiple WIPs of the moment (dispatching those much delayed orders finally) but the weather is so gloomy that there wasn't enough light this morning. So instead, to brighten this day a little, I'll post some pictures of a vintage crochet magazine that my friend
S. has lent me a few weeks ago. It's called
La Grammaire du crochet (#75) and it's a swiss magazine, so it's bilingual. Some patterns are not so bad, but others ... well, let's just say I hope there won't be a revival of those.
I'll let you judge for yourself. These are some of the nicer ones ...

but for a sexy outfit, how about this ?

la piéce de résistance, this one just cracked me up

somehow, I don't think I could convince A. to wear one of these ...
Looooooooooooooool! Tens mesmo de fazer uma para o A., ele ía adorar! :op
As os nossos homens iam ficar lindos, not :P
I am out of words - that t-shirt is just.... :-D
Realmente...não se percebe! Que bem que ele ficaria com uma camisolita assim... eu, tenho cá para mim, que ele só disse que não queria para não te dar trabalho...
se fosse a ti, fazia uma e oferecia-lhe no natal, o que é que achas???
That t shirt is going to became a myth....
Oh wow.
( but some of it is nice..)
Digam mal digam... daqui a uns anos andam todo novamente com essas camisolitas maravilha. ;)
I never knew a pattern could be so scary!
i loove digging around in old magazines and vintage patterns.... some real gems are to be found... hahahahahahaaa! but that "elephant vest" takes the prize for most scary thing that should just stay well hidden in the PAST! ;P
Just found your blog and am enjoying reading through your posts... Greetings from Barcelona!
Até gosto das mantas em crochê (que cheirinho a anos 80). Mas realmente essa camisolinha "masculina" é de chorar... a rir ;-p
adorei as fotos antigas!
blink blink...blink...um I just am still absorbing the initial shock of seeing that man with his aviator glasses in a crochet/knitted shirt....blink blink...i need therapy now...
Eu gosto da saia! E já prometi ao Z. que lhe ia fazer uma camisola/cortina para lhe dar no Natal! Achas que posso pedir-te o padrão? ;)
I do love the tennis skirt, I must say. . . .
Finally I found a person with the same interests such as "crochet". I confess I don't make crochet in every places, only at home (it may seem something of an old lady...)
I would like to invite you to visit my blog and see the firts bags I made. Now I'm preparing different things that I'd publish soon.
Nice to meet you!
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