Two days before we leave on vacation, and I haven't packed our bags yet but I've already made a selection of what books to take. It's always a dilemma, I don't want to bring too many because we like to travel light, but also I don't want to run out of reading material, which is something I hate.
Anyway, here's what I have so far, if you have any other suggestions just let me know:
* Extremely loud and incredibly close and Everything is illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer. After reading these reviews by X. and A., I just had to get them.
* The devastating boys and In a summer season, by Elizabeth Taylor, reading suggestions by Jane
* Notes from a small island by Bill Bryson, recommended and gifted by friends and which (I hope) will be good for some laughs.
Since my TBR is huge enough to contain a wide variety of books, I also considered taking others like Diana Gabaldon's latest (anyone read this yet ? I'm curious to read more of Claire and Jamie's story, but the size kind of scares me), Amy Tan's Saving fish from drowning or more fantasy books by Patricia McKillip, but unless we get really bad weather and get trapped in a snowstorm, I think these will be enough for now.
enjoy your trip... may I go in your suitcase? I'll behave and won't be of any trouble! ;)
see you soon, manela
Leva o da Amy Tan sim :) Assom podes passar-mo quando voltares ;)
Ai sou tão interesseira :P Parece que não me chega a pilha de Jill Mansell que a T. me levou no outro dia :-P
Ena tanto erro na minha mensagem anterior. Estou bonita b:-p
Oh, cuidado com os livros da Virago ( os Elizabeth Taylor são publicados pela Virago certo?), não leias em caso algum as introduções antes do livro. For some reason Virago loves to do introductions will manage to totally spoil the book by reducing its events to a couple lines. Urgh. Hate it.
Your reading seems awfully serious for a holiday, but if that is what you are in the mood for, I think those are probably enough books, barring snow storms of course.
Ooo, the new Outlander novel! It's always torture to wait, but I always hold off on buying it til it comes out in paperback. The huge hardcover or even tradepaper are heavy and, IMO, make for a difficult read!
Hope you have a lot of fun on your holidays!
It's interesting to see what books you're reading. I learnt about Case Histories from your blog too.
Yay, someone else who works on the vacation book pile first. It's always a tough balancing act to make sure I'll have enough to read, plus alternatives, but not too much to carry. I usually pick at least one giant book that I know I'd never read at home. A couple years ago it was Cloudsplitter by Russell Banks. Excellent book but got long in the end. Your choices look great.
Hi I am Nothing but this years i would for all this sucking this years i would for all.
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