no wip friday today, instead a couple of finished items for a change...
a much belated gift, and another for our newborn nephew Rafael, who was born a couple of weeks ago. We're driving down to the Algarve to finally meet him this weekend, but I promise not to bore you with (too many) photos afterwards (ok, just a couple, maybe ;)
Have a great weekend, everyone !
(the embroidery designs are from this book)
Pronto, foi agora... já estou mais fã do teu trabalho... são liiiiiiindos, mesmo lindos.... parabéns... quanto tempo demoras a fazer um trabalho destes? mais uma vez parabéns... bjnh, manela
Ficaram lindos! Adoro os bordados :)
Lindos. Claro!
que lindo.... o duarte vai adorar!!!
descobri o teu blog há uns dias atrás e desde aí que ando para vir cá dizer-te que bonitos são os teus trabalhos! Vou passar a ser visita regular. lovely!!
I like your weblog - great taste, nice bags - I wish the fabric and the ribbon was mine! It is a great inspiration to see stuff from other countries. Do you have any links to webshops in your country? In english.... I live in Denmark.
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