I've always had this thing for notebooks. I'm very particular about them, and I have a special fondness for those with blank thick pages. I sort of collect them, not intentionally of course, but I always find it hard to resist buying a new nice blank notebook. For work, I usually use medium sized ones (A5), but for my crafts notes I carry around a smaller one in my handbag all the time...

A couple of my favourite ones are these two. They're italian, and I just love this particular design. The blue is my current "in-use" one and you can see how scruffy it's looking... I brought it from Florence a couple of years back and it's now full of notes, drawings, ideas and whatever else I can think of that is worth writing down. The yellow one is still brand new, also from Florence (brought by a colleague who recently went there), and I haven't had the courage to start using it yet.
For some reason, it is quite hard to find nice blank page notebooks around here (they're usually lined, or the paper is too thin), but recently I found
these design sketch books that quickly became a favourite.

I'm going to start using one of these soon to replace the blue notebook that it's almost used up, so I decided it was high time to make something out of
these fabric scraps. I was feeling a little guilty I hadn't made anything with them yet, and I've been wanting to make something zakka-like and with some crewel embroidery too for a while now, so this was the perfect project. The crewel designs are from
here, and now that
Blair has received her surprise I can show these off.

I, too, havea thing for notebook. But mine are more likelty to just sit unused. I've only recently gotten into actually using them. Your notebaook covers are beautiful. Love the crewel work.
Também tenho vários notebooks, mas prefiro-os com linhas (talvez pk apenas escrevo) e confesso que tb eu tenho alguma dificuldade em não os comprar.
Na Papelaria Fernandes costuma haver uns bem giros (penso que são importados) e lembro de ver com páginas lisas.
Eu também gosto, sempre gostei de notebooks, no fundo de quase tudo o que seja "artigo de papelaria". Mas a verdade é que não uso, por isso embora me ande sempre a babar por tanta coisa gira, é raro comprar...
These are lovely. A perfect way to combine a love for fabric and a love for paper.
These are gorgeous - love the way you have used the crewel embroidery.
I love the new notebook covers, especially with the pretty embroidery!
Estão simplesmente lindos, Tania!!!
Fabulous!!! I also have a thing for blank books...I am drawn to them..and if they are on sale..I will HAVE to buy one..
Love the patchwork covered books you made yourself and Blair!
I am not alooooooone!
É que eu tenho moooontes de note books na minha estante e adivinha: estão em branco... eu bem penso no uso que lhes posso dar mas depois tenho pena de escrever ou desnhar neles... no natal passado fiz com que me dessem dois, tããããão giros! Sim, a Papelaria fernandes tem uns muita giros (foi de lá que os "cravei"). Mais uma vez bom trabalho, bjnhos manela
Your notebooks are so cute. I love reading your blog as it always looks so nice and inviting, and your photos always look good too. By the way your nephew is gorgeous.
Beautiful book cover!
já esta aplicando os novos conhecimentos....
esta divino seu bordado!
as capas estão lindas - e eu tb açambarco blocos nota :( E já te mostrei o meu notebook da Jill Bliss?
nunca vou ter coragem de o usar mas já quero o outro novo!
Great job! If you ever felt like showing us how you made them, I'd be very interested.
Your journals are beautiful. I have been wanting to make some journals myself recently, and this post will definitely be a further inspiration.
LOVE the notebooks, I'm portuguese and living in the USA. I'm so glad I found your blog, you've inspired me to try some of these :)
Have a great weekend,
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