As most of you probably noticed, the new issue of Marie Claire idées is out, and I have to say I'm L-O-V-I-N-G it.
This was already my favourite crafts magazine, but even so it's always hard to get an entire magazine just right, if you know what I mean. Some features I usually love, others are so-so, and then others are just not my style. But this issue .. well, this issue hits the spot, and it's not only because it's the fall edition.
Just a few of my favourites here:
floral fabric frames * cute bag set *

* using books for decoration ? *

* fall fashion (the purple boots, I love them) *

* halloween *

* and of course, quilting *

amanha já vou comprarrrrrrrrrrrrr
i love the ghosts. will have to find an issue of the magazine. it's not easy to find where i live.
Realmente está maravilhosa!
I love Marie Claire Idees - they also have an approach to craft that is just a lil left of centre.
Oh! Those pics! Thanks for reminding me how much I love that magazine. I need to go to Barnes and Nobel for a copy tomorrow.
Também já tenho, isto é, já pedi à minha amiga para comprar porque ainda não descobri aqui sítio que a vendam... daqui a uns dias tenho-a na mão! He he he! e graças a ti já posso começar a ver um pouco do conteúdo! bjnh, manela
Oh, I need to go and get the new MCI quick, it looks full of interesting ideas, the bags, the hat and scarf.
comprei ontem... divina!
Uau, tem mesmo bom aspecto, já imagino as coisas que vais fazer daí! Lá está, vejo estas coisas lindas, revistas com ideias excelentes, e depois falta-me o jeito para fazer alguma coisa. Ai que infelicidade....
I got mine and what a great issue - I love the fashion spreads ( makes me quite unhappy with clothes shopping though) and even the recipes were tempting. That courgette and almond gratin is looking like a real good idea.
E vi uma papelaria antiga na Rua Augusta, mais ou menos a meio, do lado poente que tinha muitas cópias da MCI!
Oh I love all of those pictures. Is this magazine delivered to your door? I am going to hunt every bookstore in Washington, DC looking for this now!
Tania, onde compras a Marie Claire Idees ai em Lisboa? A minha tem andado 'a procura - falta-lhe o Corte Ingles.
I can't seem to find this magazine close to home. Would you be willing to do a swap in exchange for a copy of that issue?
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