I haven't shown many bookcovers recently, but I'm finally picking up on them again. I suppose I got tired after making so many after last X-Mas rush, so I needed to make other things to clear my mind. So I'm back to work on my backlog of orders, which I'm hoping to finish by the end of this month. Also, a few wholesale orders too, so August is actually going to be a very crafty month ...

#210 was a special order from S., part of a wedding gift she prepared for her friend, and so I used one of my favourite fabrics on it. I love this fabric, hadn't had the courage to cut it before but I thought it would be perfect for such an occasion. I was putting the finishing touches on it last Sunday when I decided to check my list and saw that I had made the wrong size ... so I actually made two covers with the same designs - #209 is an A5 sized cover and available now at the

(#208 #205 #206)
Stay tuned for new covers soon - I'm full of ideas that I want to put into practice (if time allows), browsing all these new japanese crafts books get me too inspired for my own good sometimes !
Full of ideas?? Cá ficamos cheias de curiosidade :)
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