I met Glá and R. for dinner at Piola, a really nice pizzeria in the Vila Boim area. We had agreed yet another swap, so I brought home these wonderful soft toys. Just adorable, aren't they ? This cat is one of my favorites ever (I'll show you what I made her on my next post)

S. Paulo is a fantastic place for eating out, we had great meals everywhere we went, but I must single out this bar where we had the most delicious picanha and mandioca frita: Bar do Juarez. Definitely a place to go back.
On crafty shopping, I went back to the crazy 25 de Março where I was most disappointed to find out that the usual fabrics shop is now closed on Saturdays. I went into Niazi Chofi instead (a more popular place, usually crowded like mad, like all the shops in this area) and ended up getting this gorgeous selection.

Some more shopping:
* hello kitty indulgence * havaianas *

* origami paper (from Tenman-Ya) * lovely trims (25 de Março) *

Tanta coisa linda!!
e tanta coisa HK!!!!
Ena! Viajar é sempre bom e fazer compras dessas também ;)
Tem tudo muuuuuito bom aspecto!! :o)
As havaianas são lindas, os tecidos também. Grandes compras!
E bem-vinda :-*
Bem vinda de volta! as compras são lindas....
One of those little ball mascots aill bea arriving in my son's Christmas stocking. I love her work.
Os tecidos são lindos!
love your blog.
Every girl loves to shop, glad to know im not the only one buying kawaii stuff ;)
big kiss
=)))) aiiiiiiii fazes-me quaqse morrer de inveja!!!! :p
apetecia-me ter todos esses tecidos e fitas. eheheheh
Welcome back!
adorei rever você e conhecer a S.
Foi maravilhoso nosso jantarzinho no Piola.....
Adorei nossa troca, espero que as meninas tenham gostado da encomenda que enviei através de você.
Estamos aguardando (eu e R.) sua próxima visita. E fique tranquila, pois já estamos planejando....hehehhhe
beijos com carinho!
ps. to vendo que vocês se viraram bem na 25...belas compras!!!
What gorgeous trims and I love the fabric with the little girl and boys on it. Sounds as though you had a wonderful time away. The Hello Kitty purse looks adorable too. We dont get much Hello Kitty stuff here in Australia though, but your haul looks fantastic.
the oragami papers look amazing!
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