speaking of strange fruits, I wonder how many of you know of or have tried this one ? It's one of my favorites, but I never get it in Portugal, so whenever I find it somewhere else I get all excited. It's called
longan or
dragon eyes, and it's from Asian origin. Pretty much like lychees (fresh lychees, of course, not the canned ones) but I like their taste better.
I love Longans! I can get them here in NYC ChinaTown during the summer, but it's not cheap. They are sweeter than lychees, as lychees sometimes have a tart undertone. My sister loves longans, but doesn't like lychees.
Nunca provei. O aspecto é parecido com as lichias sim, só não tem biquinhos na casca
We those here too, but not very often. I like them but I love fresh lychees!
ah... for tropical fruits!
well, guess I am lucky then I grew up with fresh longans (my uncle had some longan trees in the back yard). They are nice.
Btw, they are called "mata kucing" in Malay - which means "cat's eye". Thought you may like to know that.
Occasionally have them in Melbourne.
They are best when fresh because they're crunchier then. It falls into the "cool & wet" type of fruits in Chinese culture which means it shouldn't be eaten in big quantities.
But I don't heed this advice because I love 'em!
Já provei e são deliciosos, muito parecidos com as lichias...
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