S. Paulo doesn't really offer much on sightseeing (actually, almost nothing) so the only thing there is to do is eat (all sorts of restaurants available) and go shopping. And especially if you're into crafts, there's quite a few places to visit. I've mentioned a few before, but the 25 de Março area is always full of surprises so it's worth poking around a bit.
Also, I found more shops that sell origami paper, both in Liberdade: Haikai (in the Sogo Shopping Plaza) and Fonomag (the bookshop I've mentioned here before, that's where I found the Hello Kitty paper)
A few of the things I got for myself and requests from friends (yeah, my bags were bursting, and I'm sure I passed the weight limit too)
* the above adorable kokeshi doll is from Japan Society, where I always go to purchase t-shirts for A. and dad.
* a box of thread spools, two in every possible color
(from Armarinhos Santa Terezinha, Rua 25 de Março, 1031)
* havaianas for F. and origami paper for myself and a few friends

* fabrics from 25 de Março (several shops)
* and more fabrics, this time from the patchwork show
* finally, my obsession with trims continues
Now, I know that I got way too many fabrics and trims, but I thought I'd get some extra yardage to sell on the shop (they're available now). I usually get many e-mails about fabrics, where I buy them and if I sell them, and it's true that here in Portugal we have a limited choice, so I thought it would be nice if anytime I travel and have the chance to bring some extra fabric back home I'd share that on the shop (also, if no one is interested .. well, more fabric for me, right ? I knew this was a good excuse .. and you know I'll use them up .. eventually)
Adoro as minhas havaianas, obrigada :-)
Os tecidos e as fitas que compraste são lindíssimos.
oh my that is a great therapy ^_^
I love the fabrics and the origami paper, are you gonna sell that one also?
Here is a bit hard o find
Wow Tania! What a sumptuous feast for the eyes. I especially adore the origami papers!
Those fabrics are gorgeous - looks like you had a great time :)
What fantastic fabrics, trims and paper. I love the little japanese doll too, such a cutie pie. It sounds as though shopping therapy is always a great thing to do whilst your away to enhance the stash, and to make goodies from too.
ummm.....xcuse me.....
ya'll need to open a shop huny. I'll be your number one customer.
Estas tuas idas a S. Paulo parecem mesmo ideais para compras!!! Que inveja!
On my side, thanks for the "Brazilian" version of Pride & Prejudice for my collection.
Wow! What lovely fabrics! I never seem to find things like this. I probably need to shop around more and not depend on my local fabric shop.
I've only recently discovered kokeshi dolls. I'm thinking about collecting a few for myself :-)
Adoro o (agora também meu) tecido dos morangueiros! :)Tenho que pensar bem no que vou fazer antes de o cortar.
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