Like this huge variety of spices
or the fact that there was more smoked codfish here than I've ever seen in Portugal
and this strange fruit (Pitaya)

But actually the best, and one of the things the market is known for, was lunch ... codfish pastry and huge portions of ham sandwich. So, just one word of advice, if you're on a diet, don't come here ...
Vejo que está passeando um bocado por aqui, espero que esteja se divertindo.
bjinhos Sabrina
I still think that thing looks too much like a mutated Strawberry!
we eat that fruit all the time.. its one of my favorites too!!! but it looks more whitish with many seeds...
The crusty roll on your ham sandwich is making me DROOL!
Mmmm I would kill to go to such a market. I wish the states had more (and bigger) open air markets.
ola... Andei dando uma olhada no seu blog é estou apaixonada pelo seu trabalho. Você os vende pela internet? meu e-mail é
Parábens e curta a viagem
Os pastéis têm tão bom aspecto!! Que se lixe a dieta! Comia uma agora... já!! ;-)
As Pitayas aqui são bracas por dentro, lembras-te? Devem ser uma variedade diferente
Great market!!
Enjoy your trip!!
If you have another chance, definately eat a pitaya. They are delicios! you have to peel them first, but it's totally worth it. THEY ARE BEST WITH LEMON!
gosto do mercado municipal né?
eu te falei...é maravilhosos..cehio de cor e aromas incriveis......
o sandwich de mortadela é enorme...hehehhe
that is a dragonfruit.
Nossa, eu que sou do Brasil, nunca ouvi falar nessa tal de pitayas. Nunca nem vi no Rio de Janeiro...que estranho!
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