Friday, March 09, 2007


I guess this is what happens when you let your husband do the laundry ...
(I'm not mad anymore, dear, but you owe me a new sweater)



Anonymous said...

Distressing, itsn't it?

I'm distressed, just looking at it.

Cenoura said...

Como eu te compreendo!!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOOOOOOOL! Ficaste com um top novo! ;-)

Escalla said...

Maybe you can remake it as a bag or i'm thinking a hand muffler

dickespaulinchen said...

A Sweater for Your Mice! What a wonderful Idea of Your husband...

fantasma said...

LOL!!!! Eu quando vi a foto pensei que fosse uma camisola para bonecas!! ;oP
Mas exige-lhe uma camisola nova, sim! :)

Peacock Chic said...

oh no!!! It pains me to just see it. I fear that it will happen to me and I will only have my cats to blame :)

Stasia said...

Oh dear!

Convenção Bookcrossing said...

Tadinha da camisola, mas eu já fiz o mesmo uma vez. No meu caso a roupa não encolheu, mas visto que foi lavada a 90° (don´t ask!), as cores ficaram maravilhosas. :)

Oiyi said...

Oh my! A mini sweater.

Bethany said...

This is why I DON'T let my husband near the laundry...thanks for the visual I can use next time he gets close to it!!!!
I agree with previous post...use it for good, not evil!!! Reinvent it!

Flor said...

Acidentes acontecem :-P Se fosses dona de casa sabias ;P Vá lá, nada de ficar chateada com o A.

Rubi said...

Well, if you have a baby in the house your sweater will have a new

Anonymous said...

Everytime I see a felted sweater, it feels so surreal. I think, "wow! sweaters can do that?!"'s right out of a cartoon or something.

Everything about this post makes me laugh out loud.

ruthie said...

No pasa nada!! at first I thought it was a sweater you knitted for one of your dolls. I understand you got mad but think about the cute things you'll be able to make with it plus you'll get a brand new sweater! haha
ps. I so LOVE your bedroom!! saw it the other day and today again and it's just so nice and minimalist, looks very peaceful to me :-)

Anonymous said...

Here's how to make delicious chocolate covered strawberries. First of all ensure that the strawberries you are intending to use are dry, then allow them to be room temperature warm prior to making them. After the strawberries have been covered in chocolate, put them in your refrigerator to cool, but do not store them in the fridge. Consume within 1-2 days.

.. said...

ai, ai, a minha simpatia total ( e sim, ele deve-te uma camisola nova, e talvez uma saia tb para compensar a angustia emocional). E acho que tenho uma camisola igual em cinza ( é a tal não?), vou considerar-me avisada ;)

Regina said...

Tania, adoro seu blog, sempre venho por aqui e tomei a liberdade de colocar um link dele nos meus blogs favoritos, espero que vc concorde. Bjoss

Anonymous said...

oh my... same thing happened to me yesterday:))

Mónica said...

Minhas queridas:maridos são como os layouts dos blogs,tem se ser tudo escritinho, timtim por timtim.
Se faltar uma virgula, eles podem não entender!
Os post-it costumam dar resultado...